Version 0 (v0)
Create Order

DCA Create Order v0 API


This endpoint generates a transaction object for opening a Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) order. This includes creating an order transaction and handling insufficient token allowances by providing an approval transaction if needed.

This API is rate-limited to 5 requests per 10 seconds per IP address.


Query Parameters

  • maker (required): The address of the account creating the DCA order.
  • beneficiary (optional): The address receiving the output tokens. Defaults to the maker's address if not provided.
  • tokenIn (required): The address of the token being spent in the DCA order.
  • amountInPerCycle (required): The amount of the input token to be spent per cycle, in smallest units.
  • tokenOut (required): The address of the token being received.
  • minAmountOutPerCycle (optional): The minimum amount of the output token to be received per cycle, in smallest units. Defaults to 1.
  • maxAmountOutPerCycle (optional): The maximum amount of the output token to be received per cycle, in smallest units. Defaults to the maximum allowable value.
  • openBeforeTimestamp (optional): A timestamp indicating the latest time the order can be opened. The transaction will be reverted if the tx sent after this time. Must be in the future.
  • cycleInterval (required): The interval between each cycle in seconds. Must be between 60 and 31536000 (1 year).
  • totalCycles (required): The total number of cycles for the order.

The amountInPerCycle must meet the minimum $1 USD equivalent threshold.

Response Structure

The endpoint returns a JSON object with the following properties:

  • openOrderTx (object): The transaction object for opening the DCA order.
    • type (string): The type of transaction (openOrder).
    • txs (object): The transaction details for various blockchain platforms, including:
      • eth (object): Ethereum-specific transaction details.
      • kaia (object): Kaia-specific transaction details.
      • klip (object): Details for the Klip wallet integration.
  • error (object|null): Details about any error encountered. This will be null if no errors occurred.
    • message (string): A description of the error (e.g., "insufficient input token allowance").
    • tx (object): The transaction details needed to resolve the error (e.g., an approval transaction).
      • type (string): The type of transaction (approve).
      • txs (object): The transaction details for various blockchain platforms (similar to openOrderTx).


  "openOrderTx": {
    "type": "openOrder",
    "txs": {
      "eth": {
        "from": "0x[MAKER_ADDRESS]",
        "to": "0x[DCA_CONTRACT_ADDRESS]",
        "data": "0xecb89bd8...",
        "value": "0x0",
        "type": "0x2",
        "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x66720b300",
        "maxFeePerGas": "0x66720b300"
      "kaia": {
        "from": "0x[MAKER_ADDRESS]",
        "to": "0x[DCA_CONTRACT_ADDRESS]",
        "data": "0xecb89bd8...",
        "value": "0x0",
        "gasPrice": "0x66720b300"
      "klip": {
        "bappName": "Swapscanner",
        "from": "0x[MAKER_ADDRESS]",
        "to": "0x[DCA_CONTRACT_ADDRESS]",
        "value": "0",
        "abi": "{\"inputs\":[...]}",
        "params": "[...]"
  "error": {
    "message": "insufficient input token allowance",
    "tx": {
      "type": "approve",
      "txs": {
        "eth": {
          "from": "0x[MAKER_ADDRESS]",
          "to": "0x42952b873ed6f7f0a7e4992e2a9818e3a9001995",
          "data": "0x095ea7b3...",
          "value": "0x0",
          "type": "0x2",
          "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "0x66720b300",
          "maxFeePerGas": "0x66720b300"
        "kaia": {
          "from": "0x[MAKER_ADDRESS]",
          "to": "0x42952b873ed6f7f0a7e4992e2a9818e3a9001995",
          "data": "0x095ea7b3...",
          "value": "0x0",
          "type": "SMART_CONTRACT_EXECUTION",
          "gasPrice": "0x66720b300"
        "klip": {
          "bappName": "Swapscanner",
          "from": "0x[MAKER_ADDRESS]",
          "to": "0x42952b873ed6f7f0a7e4992e2a9818e3a9001995",
          "value": "0",
          "abi": "{\"inputs\":[...]}",
          "params": "[...]"

Error Responses

  • 400 Bad Request: Invalid or missing query parameters.
  • 429 Too Many Requests: Rate limit exceeded.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An unexpected error occurred.


  • Ensure the amountInPerCycle meets the minimum USD equivalent threshold.
  • If the token allowance is insufficient, an approval transaction will be included in the response under the error object.